For week 3 in how to paint a portrait in oil / acrylic paint, you will learn and be taught in a fast / quick / efficient method by force. Just follow this step by step painting tutorial to figure out how to paint the head.

The first step by step of this art lesson course is to start with a egg shape for the top of the head which you learned in the first week of the portrait drawing how to.

The next step is adding guide lines for the eyes, nose, nostrils, upper and lower lips for the mouth placement. Also, place the ear in the correct spot. Sketch in the shoulders and lay in the foundation for the neck muscles.

Start to lay in color by mixing flesh tones for the female / woman model which is posing live in this photograph. Shade in the shadows of the dark where the light falls from the right side of the head. Add in a highlight on top of the glossy eyeball which is looking and staring.

For the final step of this weeks tutorial art course lesson by paramount+ staring all the celebrities including John, James, Daniel, and Michael. Place the placement of the hair follicle highlights which will glow and fill in the lobe of the ear to bring out the colors of gold, yellow, brown, red, and black.