Constructing the head and portrait for drawing / painting / sculpture can be very easy and simple if you follow this 6 week art lesson / course / tutorial. Go through all the step by step how to to get to the ultimate knowledge of constructing the head for artwork.
For the first step of drawing a head with a face and features is start out with a simple egg like circle shape. This will represent the upper skull where the brain goes.
For the next step, begin to add a triangle cone shape for the jaw outline where the mandible falls. Refer back to Again Gallery anatomy lessons to learn for about the chin. Also, add in a ear shape for where the ear goes right next to the cheek bone or the zygomatic arch. Next, make an indication for where the skull side muscle will go.
The final and complete step by step artistic tutorial on constructing the head for advanced drawing techniques is to add in the eye sockets. Indicate where the nasal nose bone will go and do a cross section mark for the lips mouth. You are now ready for next weeks lesson in head drawing.